Thanks so much for subscribing to the Social Media Helpline, where we can help you with cyberbullying and other social media content that’s jeopardizing students’ safety. You should be receiving an email from us confirming your subscription.
Since you’ll be sending a check, your account will become active as soon as we receive your payment. Your confirmation email serves as your invoice. Please print it out and return a copy of it with your check, payable to:
The Net Safety Collaborative
217 E 7th Ave.
Salt Lake City, UT 84103
Please include the subscriber number that’s included in your confirmation email on your check and keep it handy for any school personnel who use it, because we’ll ask for it when you or they contact us for help. Also, please only share it with colleagues at the school or district signed up under this subscription.
If you have any questions, please call us at 1-855-997-0409 or email us at this address. We look forward to working with you! Kind regards,
The Social Media Helpline at The Net Safety Collaborative